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Front Office

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Middle Office

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Back Office

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Supply Chain



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Why Entrade?

Front Office

Deal and trade types can be quickly configured in Enuit’s ETRM/CTRM solution, ENTRADE®, to handle complicated commodity trading transactions. Each transaction type is automatically integrated into every part of ENTRADE® – no coding required. Transactions can be immediately valued, settled, scheduled, invoiced, confirmed, taxed, hedged, analyzed, and so much more.

When new transactions are entered, ENTRADE® automatically decomposes risk according to its deal type’s risk profile as defined in our Deal Type Designer feature. Each risk element is valued and managed independently, but can be aggregated together with risk elements of other deal types that share a common risk type.

ENTRADE® gives each trader a workspace, called a sandbox, which produces Flash PNL reports to determine the effect of new deals on an overall portfolio. Sandboxes give traders a tool to check end-of-day profits, mark positions to market, and calculate value at risk at any time without affecting anyone else or company operations. Deal recaps and confirmation letters can be printed easily.

ENTRADE® has interfaces with ICE, DME, and CME; and can receive updates to settlement and forward curves through price aggregators such as Global View.

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